Product details
Model : DL 98HD Signal Input : RS 485(2 wire) Input Protocol : Modbus RTU Slave No. of. Channels : 32 FEATURES Ø It replace conventional 7 segment LED Ø Up to 32 input channels display Ø Custom selectable number of input No size limitation- Depends upon customer channels scope(HDMI compatible TV) Ø User configurable RS485 MODBUS setting Ø Low cost Ø User selectable title and Engineering units Ø Universal indicator for any type of industrial Ø Alarm set point and status indication process parameter Ø Adjustable display font size Ø Input from RS485 MODBUS RTU protocol Ø Custom adjustable colour, background, Ø HDMI output for display connectivity display, title and units Ø OLED TV display or any type of HDMI input Ø Inbuilt Data logging facility display device Ø Optional Ethernet output for computer Ø Pen drive option for Data download DISPLAY PARAMETER Temperature * Humidity * pressure * Flow & Total flow * Volume * Level * Production counting * RPM * m/min * Co2 * Volts * Current Power * pH * TDS * Conductivity, etc,. Application » Pharma industries » Automobile industries » Power industries » Petrochemical industries Food industries